Municipalities & Public Roads

Dust emissions from unpaved roads can impair the vision of drivers and therefore, be a safety hazard. From a road agency perspective, the loss of fine particles from unpaved roads can also reduce surface longevity and increase maintenance costs. Inhaling fine dust particles can be a health hazard to road users and residents. Dust can also be a nuisance and have environmental and economic implications like reduced crop yields and cleaning expenses to those residents who live along unpaved roads. 

ABCDust which offers smart and sustainable dust control and soil stabilization solutions for many industries have developed a combination of sustainable solutions capable of reducing dust by up to 98%.  

Benefits of Dust control and soil stabilization

Dust from unpaved roads can cause many impacts that may be reduced with dust control.

Problems with traditional dust control products

Although there are many advantages to using dust control products, there are also few disadvantages, which are primarily environmental in nature. In facts, traditional dust control products have a range of side effects that have a negative impact on the environment, such as the use of chloride-based road salts, which are highly corrosive, cause rust on vehicles and machinery and can be harmful to roadside vegetation.

Enjoy the benefits without the drawbacks

ABCDUST products are made with environmentally friendly inputs that have no adverse effect on the environment. Our solutions have been designed to withstand heavy traffic, such as on mining haul roads, while also being cost-effective for suppressing dust on secondary roads for counties and municipalities with limited road maintenance budgets.

Recommended solutions

Source: Federation of Canadian Municipalities. (2005). Dust Control for Unpaved Roads.